Summer HSPT Workshop
This course is designed for students planning to take the High School Entrance Exam in December of 2020. This intensive one-week course provides students with foundation skills necessary to succeed on this and other standardized tests. Students will work on vocabulary building, comprehension skills, and math concepts including fractions, elementary geometry and algebra.
Session A -- Week 1
Class Dates
July 6th through July 10
Dates and Times
Monday through Friday 10:00 am -- 12:00 pm
Session A -- Week 2
Class Dates
July 13th through July 17th
Dates and Times
Monday through Friday 10:00 am -- 12:00 pm
Session B -- Week 1
Class Dates
July 20th through July 24th
Dates and Times
Monday through Friday 10:00 am -- 12:00 pm
Session B -- Week 2
Class Dates
July 27th through July 31st
Dates and Times
Monday through Friday 10:00 am -- 12:00 pm
Cost for One Week: $250
Cost for Two Weeks: $450
If you are interested in enrolling in our Summer HSPT Workshop, a non-refundable deposit of $100 per week is required. Please email us your interest. Upon confirmation of availability of space, please send in your payment and the enrollment form.